Headache, Migraine & Sinus Issues Testimonials

Headache, Migraine & Sinus Testimonials

“I have suffered from very bad migraines for a couple of years and tried everything to alleviate the pressure but to no end. But after just 2 Bowen sessions I have not had even a headache since. I have not had to take a single pill or lain in a dark room. The difference has been amazing.”
P. Osborne
Practitioner: Karen Jackson, Bournemouth
Migraines (and Restless Leg Syndrome)
“I had a whole host of issues. The main problems were migraines and restless leg syndrome. Both were ongoing for about 15 years and the migraines becoming more frequent and severe. After my first treatment I had no migraine (normally 2 a week), the restless leg was greatly improved. After my second treatment I was quite weepy and had a headache for a few days. Once that was over I felt great. I have had quite a lot of stress recently, but have not had a migraine since. My sleep quality is greatly improved.
Having Bowen has changed my daily lifestyle for the better and I no longer need medication for migraines. I cannot recommend the Bowen Technique highly enough.”
Sinus Issue
“All my life I suffered from Sinus problems, until, that is, I had one session of Bowen, my sinuses just cleared, I have never had sinus problems to date again!!”
N. Perry
Practitioner: Karen Jackson, Bournemouth
Sinus Issue
“I was quite poorly with Bronchitis. After a month or so I got better with antibiotics, but never really recovered and my sinuses were still constantly congested. I tried Bowen to see if this would help. I could feel the congestion moving almost immediately. The following day I felt so much better and the symptoms have not returned and my sinuses have been clear ever since.”
Meniere’s Disease
“Thanks to the Bowen Technique my Menieres disease was firstly brought under control and then completely sorted! I could feel the effects immediately after each session. I would not hesitate to recommend to any sufferers of Menieres that they try at least just a couple of sessions.”
Meniere’s Disease
“I have suffered from Meniere’s Disease for over 20 years – it comes and it goes. About ten years ago I had a particularly bad spell of Meniere’s including extreme vertigo and terrifying ‘drop attacks’. I found a local lady who used the Bowen Technique and after about ten weeks’ treatment, the condition improved and I felt ‘normal’. I had a recurrence of the early symptoms of Meniere’s this year – the feeling of being blocked in the head, with a debilitating sense of pressure. I could tell this was the early onset. After only three sessions I found the symptoms gradually left me and I am back to ‘normal’. I know that Meniere’s cannot be cured but Bowen has given me hope that if it returns, I have a possible course of action. This is something conventional medicine has not been able to offer. Sceptics may say the symptoms would have gone anyway, but it seems to me this is more than a coincidence.”