Digestion & Allergies Testimonials

Digestion & Allergies Testimonials

“One night I was awake with IBS, another my neck. Thank goodness in 4 sessions both were alleviated through the wonderful Bowen Technique.”
H. Miller
Practitioner: Karen Jackson, Bournemouth
“I was considering a Hernia operation when I came across Bowen. I felt much better after one treatment and by the third that operation was unnecessary.”
N. Pavlides, Cyprus
Practitioner: Karen Jackson, Bournemouth
“Have had asthma since I was 40 and when I was having a particularly bad bout of weazing I had some Bowen that instantly relieved my symptoms . 4 Bowen Sessions later and also following dietary advice I no longer need my steroids or have to use my inhaler which I had to regularly beforehand!”
J. Bainbridge
Practitioner: Anthony Sircar, Buxton
Viral Skin Complaint, Eczema
“My son, who was 3 at the time, had been diagnosed with a viral skin complaint that was spreading. (He also had eczema for which steroid cream was usually prescribed by the GP.) The doctors told me there was nothing that could be done and that he could be suffering with it for up to 2 years! In desperation I looked for alternative treatments. After 4 BowenTherapy sessions it started clearing up and within 2 more sessions it had completely gone! As had his eczema. All without the need for steroid creams!”
H. Manning
Practitioner: Philip Steward, Devon